Sacred Hapé

What is Hapé?

Hapé is a sacred and profound
plant medicine consisting of Mapacho (Tobacco), ashes of various indigenous
trees, seeds, flowers, and herbs. This fine powder is administered through the
nose and thus, its potent effects can be felt immediately. Originating from the
native tribes of the Amazon, this sacred snuff can deeply ground the body, and
dispel mind chatter, anxiety, and dense energies. The lightness and
expansiveness this medicine can bring opens one up to the teachings Grandfather
Tobacco carries as well as revelations from the heart.


Due to the sacred and profound
energy of this medicine, it's important to sit with Hapé in an intentional
space and powerful prayer. Tobacco is a Master Plant Teacher that brings
individual healing and blessings. Many experience a profound sense of grounding
as well as a feeling of interconnectedness with the subtle realms. Through
breath and surrender, we can walk deeply into these realms and receive
guidance, instruction, messages, visions, and blessings.


This sacred shamanic snuff can be
self-administrated or served by another person. In self-administration, a
V-shaped pipe called a Kuripe is the tool you will use to blow a dose of
medicine into your nose. When receiving a blow from another, they will blow the
medicine into your nose with a longer serving pipe called a Tepi.


Many misconceptions, narratives,
and stories about Tobacco villainize the plant. However, this plant teacher has
a long history of ceremonial and medicinal use by Native Americans and
Indigenous South Americans. It's a deep gift to be able to commune with this


Building Your Hapé Practice


◇ All that is truly required to
begin your practice is a Kuripe and Hapé. Dreamy Earth recommends starting out
with at least 2 different blends of Hapé to experience the unique energies each
one can bring.

◇ The frequency with which you
choose to commune with Hapé will be intuitive. Some practitioners commune with
Hapé daily, some others a couple of times a week, and some only during ceremony
and spiritual work. The line between deep communion and dependency can be a
tricky one to walk, so please be mindful of how you are approaching the

◇ Journeying with Hapé is an
adventure and exploration. You are encouraged to be curious and experiment with
varying blends, doses, types of blows, and the environments in which you
practice. There is a plethora of factors that affect a Hapé sit, so stay curious
and drop your expectations.

◇ No two Hapé sits are ever the
same. While you might have a profound breakthrough in one sit, your next sit
might be tame in comparison. Avoid chasing experiences and appreciate each sit
for what it teaches you. The spirit of Hapé is a teacher and master healer;
trust that it will give you exactly what you need.

◇ Honoring the indigenous tribes
and ancestors of this medicine is powerful and important. Always give gratitude
to the indigenous tribes of the Amazon who have passed down this medicine and
teachings. Continue learning about Hapé, the ceremonial roots of Grandfather
Tobacco, and ancestral wisdom.


How to Serve Yourself Hapé

You will need your kuripe, Hapé,
a cup or bowl (for spitting), and tissues or toilet paper (to wipe your nose).

1. Create a sacred space where
you are free to meditate and reflect for as long as you want. Set up an altar,
light candles, set heart-centered intentions. You are inviting in a Spirit
therefore, create a space as you would when inviting a friend.

2. Now that you have grounded and
centered yourself, you may begin to gently pour Hapé into your non-dominant
palm. The amount you pour will be for both nostrils. A penny-sized amount is
ideal for beginners (or for a more gentle dose) and a quarter-sized amount is
enough for a stronger journey. Dosing is very intuitive and your journey will
vary, so listen to your intuition.

3. With the nose end of your
Kuripe (the longer side), flatten out the medicine towards you, as you focus on
your intention and prepare yourself to commune. With the nose end, scoop 1/2 of
the medicine inside and tap the kuripe so the medicine falls to the bottom.

4. Bring the Kuripe to your
heart, expressing your prayers and gratitude. Give thanks not only to the
medicine and its Spirit but to the tribes whose loving hands cultivated and
made the medicine you're consecration. Give thanks to Mother Earth for her wisdom
and gifts. Give thanks to yourself. Raise the Kuripe to the sky, giving an
offering to Father Sun, the Cosmos, and Source. Touch the Kuripe to the Earth,
reminding yourself of how she holds you and roots you down. Bring the Kuripe
back to your heart.

5. Take 3 full and deep breaths
in through the nose and out through the mouth. When you're ready, position the
Kuripe into the Left nostril and blow. The left nostril is served first
(symbolizing death) followed by the right nostril (symbolizing re-birth). You
can blow softly and slowly for a relaxing journey or sharp, quick, and forceful
for a more intense experience. Again, follow your intuition.

6. After you blow, breathe in and
out through the mouth. If you feel the need to spit, do so in your cup/bowl. Do
not ingest the Hapé. Try to serve yourself on the 2nd side as quickly as you

7. Give yourself the same blow
for the 2nd (Right) side. Relax and surrender to the energy of the medicine.
Simply feel without judgment, how the Spirit flows through you. There is no
right or wrong. Continue breathing through the mouth.

8. Wait at least 5 minutes after
serving the second side to blow your nose. you may keep it longer.

9. Meditate in this sacred space
for as long as you wish. Give yourself time to truly commune with Grandfather

10. Integrate your experience by
journaling, moving mindfully (like yoga), taking a walk, or even simply laying
down. Any practice you have that supports medicine work integration is ideal.
