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Regular price $66.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $66.00 USD
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ABALONE SHELL: stimulates psychic and intuitive development; promotes imagination; helps to express your higher truths without fear; relay messages without anger or bitterness; provides feelings of well-being and relaxation.

CHALCOPYRITE: a stone of transformation or the mystic; transmutes negative energy into positive; enhances intuitive abilities; aids in manifesting dreams and rebirth; stimulates creativity and self-confidence; attracts abundance and prosperity; cleanses the aura and relieves emotional stress.

COWRY SHELL: linked to ocean spirits of wealth and earth; represents Goddess protection and connects to the strength of the ocean; symbolizes the power of destiny and prosperity; attracts good fortune; wards off negative energies.

DRAGON JASPER: a rare form of jasper that evokes fierceness and loyalty to your intentions; promotes strength and assists in new creative paths; helps remove negative cycles. 

DRUZY AGATE: enhances spiritual growth, inner stability and provide a sense of tranquility; associated with good luck and inner strength; realigns and balances all chakras in the body; amplifies energy useful for meditation and spiritual exploration; linked with Sun gods to establish deeper connections with the Sun’s powerful energy.

ETHIOPIAN OPAL: promotes emotional healing; enhances spiritual growth; stimulates creativity; assists in meditation; fosters connections with higher realms; balances the root and crown chakras; improves intuition; encourages positive energy flow; strengthens one will to live; shields against negativity

HERKIMER DIAMOND is a powerful holistic energy that enhances clairvoyance, clairaudience, lucid dreaming, psychic visions, astral travel and telepathy. It is also a protection stone as it offers emotional healing by clearing repressed fears and negative emotions. This beauty will also open the user’s third eye and crown chakra and increase spiritual healing. 

Blue TIGER’S EYE or Hawk’s Eye aids in clairvoyance and astral travel while protecting user from negative energies. It balances the throat chakra and improves mental focus and calmness, which results in clearer thinking and deeper insights. A symbol of strength, this pendulum will call on the user’s courage, deepen willpower and assist in overcoming difficult life challenges. 

ROUGH LEPIDOLITE dispels negative energy by shifting old energy patterns to help facilitate good fortune, hope and positivity. A stone that opens the Sacral, Heart and Crown chakras, Lepidolite aids in deepening meditation and bringing awareness to the unseen and improving your connection with the Divine. Also works in channeling Venus, Aphrodite & Freyja. 

TUMBLED BOTSWANA AGATE is a powerful healing stone with a high vibration that resonates with the Root and Heart chakras, enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness. Meaning to “accept and receive” Botswana soothes and protects those who are grieving loss, feel alone and are easily hurt. It helps souls accept the past, be more present and hold space for the future. 

TUMBLED CARNELIAN w/SMOKY QUARTZ releases anxiety and emotional negativity and replaces the emotions with a strong love of life, peace and tranquility. A grounding stone, Smoky Quartz helps to overcome fear and unbinds anger while Carnelian boosts self-worth, courage and personal power. This pendulum will harmonize and empower the Root and Sacral chakras.


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